The Role of Health IT in ACOs — #HITsm Chat Highlights

Because of Thanksgiving weekend, the #HITsm chat took a break. However, it was back this week, and there were five questions, rather than the usual four. The topics came from @2healthguru, and revolved around the role of HIT in ACOs.

The first question asked was: Many accept at face value that HIT is essential for effective #ACO implementation, do you agree? Why? Why not?  There weren’t a lot of responses to this first question Many accept at face value that HIT is essential for effective #ACO implementation, do you agree? Why? Why not?

There weren’t as many responses to this question as there sometimes are, but here are a few of the tweets that seemed most popular:


The next topic focused on this: Where does culture fit in the mix? Can you graft ‘coordinated care’ onto a cowboy (or cowgirl) referral network? This question sparked a lively discussion with a lot of good points made. It was hard to pick just a few, but here is a conversation I feel is worth noting. Another participant called out for @BangorBeacon’s thoughts on this topic, because apparently it’s his area of expertise. Although he didn’t seem to have a lot of time during the chat today, he did have something to say. Here is one of the conversations I saw.






The next item on the agenda was, how important is understanding culture and organizational workflows to achieve coordinated, seamless care? This was another interesting topic, with equally interesting responses. I thought this way a unique way of expressing the idea.

I also thought this tweet went well with the topic:

Topic four was: What will it take for the #ACO and #HealthIT system to work as developed? When I saw this, I predicted there would be a lot of different answers, and I was right. Here are a few of the suggestions that stood out to me:

And finally (still with me?), the extra question — which is a little more up my alley: Can social media ‘detect and amplify’ (preconfigure) preferred community referral interactions to grease the skids of an #ACO? 

I think that most everyone had checked out by this point, but this is my favorite response:


About the author

Katie Clark

Katie Clark is originally from Colorado and currently lives in Utah with her husband and son. She writes primarily for Smart Phone Health Care, but contributes to several Health Care Scene blogs, including EMR Thoughts, EMR and EHR, and EMR and HIPAA. She enjoys learning about Health IT and mHealth, and finding ways to improve her own health along the way.

