EMR Stimulus Q&A: Chiropractor’s and Meaningful Use e-Prescribing Requirement

Pauline Murphy asked the following EMR stimulus question:
If a chiropractor does not write perscriptions, does he still have the same e-prescribing requirements for “meaningful use”? How does that work, does anyone know?

Amanda Doss from Computer Link offered this answer:
No, the chiropractor would not have the same e-prescribing requirements for Meaningful Use. Page 61 of Meaningful Use discusses the “inapplicability” of measures to various provider types.

Basically, your chiropractor will have a denominator of “zero” for that measure. Also, on page 99 of Meaningful Use, you find (talking about e-prescribing) “this objective and associated measure do not apply to any Eligible Provider who writes fewer than one hundred prescriptions during the EHR reporting period.”

Good question and a great answer. I’m going to have to dive into page 61 some more and see how else it might apply.

Check out some of the previous EMR Stimulus Question and Answers.

About the author

John Lynn

John Lynn is the Founder of HealthcareScene.com, a network of leading Healthcare IT resources. The flagship blog, Healthcare IT Today, contains over 13,000 articles with over half of the articles written by John. These EMR and Healthcare IT related articles have been viewed over 20 million times.

John manages Healthcare IT Central, the leading career Health IT job board. He also organizes the first of its kind conference and community focused on healthcare marketing, Healthcare and IT Marketing Conference, and a healthcare IT conference, EXPO.health, focused on practical healthcare IT innovation. John is an advisor to multiple healthcare IT companies. John is highly involved in social media, and in addition to his blogs can be found on Twitter: @techguy.


  • Great answer and question! As HHS-certification is around the corner, it is important to understand all the issues now to make an informed EHR decision.

  • My chiropractor uses an app for diagnosis on her ipad. It is developed by a repute company and is also used and endorsed by the National Chiropractor Association.

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