Wireless Healthcare IT, Risk Analysis, and Ever-changing Technology: Around Healthcare Scene


Why 2013 Will Be A Good Year For EMRS

EMRs don’t always have the best reputation, particularly concerning their ease for implementation. However, there are some things that are looking up in 2013 for the industry. Ann Zieger discusses these, and includes ideas such as vendors being able to offer mobile options, as well as consolidation leading to a more stable vendor market.

Wireless Healthcare IT Could Hold the Key to Preventable Readmissions

CardioMEMS developed a heart-failure monitoring system, the first of its kind. The company understands the need from back-end data and has a lot of potential for the future. Technology like this may be the key to preventing hospital  readmissions.

Hospital EMR

Hospitals Stepping Up Security Risk Analysis, While Practices Lag

EMRs pose a large risk for criminal hackers to come in. However, according to a HIMSS survey, around 90 percent of hospitals are now conducting annual risk analysis. Unfortunately, practices only came in at about 65 percent. An even more surprising fact was that 22 percent of survey responders reported having a security breach next year. While there have been a lot of strides made toward stepping up security risk analysis, there is still a ways to go.

Meaningful Health IT News

Technology Changes Faster Than You Think

In 2005, smart phones weren’t mainstream in the health industry. This post also includes other interesting facts about mHealth only seven years ago, and it goes to show just how fast technology is changing. It raises the question, where will we be seven years from now? An interesting infographic from 2005 is also shown in this post as well.

Smart Phone Healthcare

The Patient’s Guide Reveals How iPhone Dominates Mobile Health Research

A recent study done by the Patient’s Guide researched the use of medical devices. During this study, they discovered how the iPhone is by far the most popular device being used. This post includes an infographic from The Patient’s Guide that displays other findings from the study.

About the author

Katie Clark

Katie Clark is originally from Colorado and currently lives in Utah with her husband and son. She writes primarily for Smart Phone Health Care, but contributes to several Health Care Scene blogs, including EMR Thoughts, EMR and EHR, and EMR and HIPAA. She enjoys learning about Health IT and mHealth, and finding ways to improve her own health along the way.

