Healthcare Scene #HIMSS15 Guide

If you read this and any of the other Healthcare Scene blogs or follow us on social media, you know that #HIMSSSanity is upon us. Yes, it’s the Thursday before the big HIMSS Annual conference in Chicago.

I’ve often described my visits to the HIMSS annual conference like a kid in a candy store. As a blogger the model is pretty simple. I need: content, readers, and advertisers. Everywhere I look at HIMSS you can find potentially all three of those things. That’s why I’ll be there all week enjoying time meeting with lots of really interesting people and companies.

My HIMSS schedule is packed with meetings. I think when all is said and done I’ll have about 30 must attend meetings and hundreds of casual meetings and networking with people. I always love meeting readers in person at HIMSS, so please find me and come say hi. Luckily, in our HIMSS 2015 guide we have a number of options where you can find me. Plus, I’m listing a number of other talks/sessions/features at HIMSS that have caught my eye. Here we go:

HIMSS Opening Reception
I’ve had mixed experiences at the HIMSS opening reception. I usually like to check it out and see what HIMSS has done. Plus, it’s a great place to meet random people. One challenge I have with social media is that it now facilitates me meeting a lot of the same people. That’s a great thing, but does sometimes limit meeting new people. I love the HIMSS Speakeasy theme for the opening reception. I heard that the live music will make for the perfect #HIMSS15DanceOff setting.

If you’re interested in “What comes after MU? Real digital attention to your patients” then you’re going to want to join Shahid Shah at the iPatientCare Booth #2941 on Monday 4/13 at 2:30 PM CT. They’ll be discussing the questions: What are you doing to manage chronic care in your organization? Is your approach to interoperability bad for patients? What are you doing to manage chronic care in your organization? Changing reimbursement is going to require true patient engagement (not just MU required engagement). In this talk at the iPatientCare booth, Shahid will dive deep into what true patient engagement looks like.

Social Media and Influence Meetup
This meetup will be hosted by myself and my partner Shahid Shah at the HIMSS Spot (North Hall – B Lobby) on Tuesday 4/14 at 12:30 CT. This will be one of the best places to come and find me. Plus, we always have a great crowd and an even better discussion with those that attend. In some ways this will be a small preview into the larger 2 day healthcare IT marketing and PR conference. We hope to see lots of the #HITMC community there.

SAP Healthcare
The famous Shahid Shah together with Dr. David Delaney, SAP’s CMO, will be leading a great discussion at SAP Booth #2656 on Tuesday 4/14 at 2PM CT. The discussion will be around the topic “Driving Clinical Value and ROI Out of Your Data” and will cover questions like: Is data really generating clinical value? Is anyone really driving clinical value from data? Do we have the resources we need to generate ROI from our healthcare data? These are some really important questions for healthcare and I’m sure the discussion will be great.

New Media Meetup Sponsored by Stericycle
We posted about the New Media Meetup before and so hopefully you’ve registered to attend. If you haven’t, there are only a very few number of slots left and then we’re at capacity. This really is a who’s who of healthcare IT social media influencers. I’m proud to host the event and have loved working with Stericycle and Patient Prompt to plan it. We’ve got a lot of fun things and great giveaways planned for the event. Can’t wait to see everyone there.

Vocera has a whole schedule of talks to choose from. The one by Rhonda Collins, CNO at Vocera called “Navigate the Storm without Creating Your Own Twister” caught my eye. I think we can all relate to the storm of healthcare IT priorities and challenges. Although, the Sue Murphy, Exec. Dir. of Patient Experience & Engagement at University of Chicago Medicine, session on Transforming Patient Experience Using Care Rounding also looks interesting.

#iHeartHIT Meetup
I really wanted to make this meetup, but it looks like I’m booked other places. Doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it. I believe the HIMSS social media ambassadors will be there. Luckily, I think I’ll see them at some of the other events. It also means that it will likely generate a lot of tweets so I can kind of experience the event later.

#HITsm at #HIMSS15
This year, #HITsm is mixing it up with their meetup. They’re basically having a panel discussion with Keith Boone, Rasu Shrestha, MD, David Muntz, and Douglas Fridsma, MD. I believe that Mandi Bishop is moderating. Seems like the topic du jour is going to be interoperability given the panelists. Should be a great panel for that topic. I’ll be the heckler in the back or maybe I’ll just save my heckling for Twitter.

Bush Keynote
The keynotes this year are pretty disappointing for me. I think Bush’s keynote will likely be the most interesting. Although, I always love hearing people like Jeremy Gutsche as well. Of course, I think you’re crazy to actually attend the keynote. Why do I want to watch a little small person up on stage? I’ll be watching the keynotes from the comfort of the press room (plus, they have internet and power).

HIMSS Block Party – This is similar to the opening reception. The block party idea is pretty cool. I’m quite sure you’ll find me in the Little Italy area. #ItalianFoodAddict

I’m always intrigued by the unique tracks that HIMSS puts together. This year it’s called HX360. This consists of a bunch of programming and also a section of the exhibit hall. Looking at what this area has to offer gives you a good idea of what HIMSS is thinking about the future of healthcare IT.

So many more things could be listed like the CHIME Fall Forum at HIMSS15 on Saturday and Sunday. Of course, there are a lot of evening events including the popular Encore/Next Wave Connect Pub Nights, athenahealth Cloud Party, HIStalkapalooza, Anthelio Casino Night, Divurgent’s summHIT, and AEGIS Odyssey (yes, it’s a massively beautiful yacht) to just name a few.

I personally fly in on Saturday and out on Friday. I’m still looking for something great to do on Wednesday and Thursday evening. If some people are going to be there Wednesday and Thursday evening, maybe we could do something fun together. I’d love to hear people’s ideas if you’re around.

About the author

John Lynn

John Lynn is the Founder of, a network of leading Healthcare IT resources. The flagship blog, Healthcare IT Today, contains over 13,000 articles with over half of the articles written by John. These EMR and Healthcare IT related articles have been viewed over 20 million times.

John manages Healthcare IT Central, the leading career Health IT job board. He also organizes the first of its kind conference and community focused on healthcare marketing, Healthcare and IT Marketing Conference, and a healthcare IT conference,, focused on practical healthcare IT innovation. John is an advisor to multiple healthcare IT companies. John is highly involved in social media, and in addition to his blogs can be found on Twitter: @techguy.

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