Continuous Inspiration, Training, and Improvement

Today, I’m about ready to embark on a fun experience. No, I’m not heading to TEDMED or HIMSS or some other conference chalk full of inspiration, training, and improvement. Instead of me leaving somewhere, my wife is heading off with her two best girlfriends to a Women’s Conference which should be an amazing mix of practical, spiritual, and inspirational.

I’m really excited for her to have the opportunity that I get regularly to improve myself and expand my mind. My wife is a brave stay at home mom. She does a tremendous job raising our four children. However, as any stay at home mom can attest, sometimes you need to get out, have conversations with adults, and be something other than mom. I’m excited for the renewal that she’s sure to find from attending this Women’s Conference.

As I ponder on the experience my wife is about to have, I think many in the EHR and healthcare IT world need something very similar. Far too often we get overwhelmed by the little day to day heartache of using an EMR. The EMR that “never works” can be a real drag. The EHR popup message that does’t make any sense. The annoying extra click in your EMR. Even just the tedious repetition of documentation. All of these things are little until you deal with them day after day and patient after patient. Sounds a bit like a mother having to feed the children, pickup the toys, brush the hair, etc over and over again. Individually it’s nothing, but taken together can be overwhelming.

One of the best ways to deal with what I’ll call EMR depression is to have regular opportunities for inspiration, training and improvement. One method to deal with it can be regular meetings focused not on the challenges of EMR, but instead on the ways EMR can make your life and patients’ lives better. You can share stories of EMR success and even possible lives saved. It’s not unlike me sitting down with my wife discussing the beautiful things our children do. It’s so easy to focus on the negative that we often forget to talk about the positive.

Another way is to head to a conference that will inspire you about what’s possible. It’s amazing what an inspiring speaker can do to change how you enjoy your work. Sure, it’s great to go to a session talking about the tactical details of meaningful use. However, you also want to make time to hear from someone like Dr. Jen Brull who can tell you her practical approach to improving the health of her patients. There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing her story and then seeing the face of the patient whose life she saved. There’s a time for tactical, but it can’t crowd out the inspirational. In some cases you can even get both. I hope that’s what happens for my wife this week.

Yes, for those reading between the lines, my wife attending this conference means for the next 5 days I’m going to be home alone caring for my 4 children (age 9 months to 9 years). A daunting task for anybody. However, it turns out the next 5 days with my children will be the best form of inspiration for me. In my whirlwind life of blog posts, tweets, conferences, emails, comments, interviews, and meetings, my best inspiration to do what I do can be the innocent laugh of my 9 month old, the funny phrases of my 3 year old, the inquisitive questioning of my 6 year old, and the creativity of my 9 year old. Yes, inspiration is all around us if we take the time to be inspired.

About the author

John Lynn

John Lynn is the Founder of, a network of leading Healthcare IT resources. The flagship blog, Healthcare IT Today, contains over 13,000 articles with over half of the articles written by John. These EMR and Healthcare IT related articles have been viewed over 20 million times.

John manages Healthcare IT Central, the leading career Health IT job board. He also organizes the first of its kind conference and community focused on healthcare marketing, Healthcare and IT Marketing Conference, and a healthcare IT conference,, focused on practical healthcare IT innovation. John is an advisor to multiple healthcare IT companies. John is highly involved in social media, and in addition to his blogs can be found on Twitter: @techguy.


  • John, what a lovely and inspiration post for those #HITchicks like me who try to balance motherhood with work and everything else that pops up. A great read for anyone as we head towards Mother’s Day!

  • I’m glad you liked it Jenn. You’re a rockstar mother I’m sure. Balancing motherhood and work is a challenge and I’m sure many mothers could model how you do it.

  • John, very inspirational – as you always are. But this time, you touched on something that just happened yesterday. A very good client (a Wonderful Physician in Florida) of mine called me couple of days ago. They had been a good EMR user for a couple of years, but thought they can do better. Thought they needed to ‘graduate’. So, we spent half an hour online, and ‘discovered’ he can save at least 45 minutes per day just by tweaking things.

    Spot on John –
    – Continuous Training
    – Continuous Improvement

  • Chandresh,
    I love that perspective. That’s a really interesting one. So many physicians are so overwhelmed by regulations that they can’t think about how to go forward. The strategic thinking has often been overwhelmed by government regulations.

  • You wife will return refreshed and you’ll be wiped out.

    I played Mr. Mom for 6 month some time ago…that was the toughest decade of my life.

  • John,
    I do have to say that Mr. Mom is much easier than Working Mom. Doing both is much harder than just being Mr. Mom. I have no complaints though. Although, my daughter decided to throw up last night around midnight to help me appreciate my wife just a little bit more.

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